Saturday, August 4, 2012

Lucky Thirteen!!

It's the weekend, hooray!!  It is supposed to be a scorcher this weekend too, I am excited for a bit of 'summer' in the usually temperate Portland area.

Today I ran with my training group, it was "Pace Day".  We do a mile warmup, then run a mile on the track at a pace you can comfortably go and keep up a reasonable conversation.  That pace is where you start to train and build up to the mileage of your target race (mine is 13.1 miles).  My mile pace is so disappointing to me.  11:45.  God, I feel so old when I am reminded that I run SO slow!  I did this same training group a year ago with a run/walk pace group and ran the Holiday Half Marathon in December 2011.  I had wanted to move up to a full running group this year, but the slowest one is 11 minutes.  I have fleeting thoughts of just starting out with them and trying my best to keep up and pushing myself until I can do it.  But I also know myself...if I am too discouraged I am not going to stick with it.  I think it is better to start again with a walk/run group and just keep at it.  Last year I ran with the 13 minute walk/run group.  This year I'll try the 11 minute group.  The run/walkers tend to be a lot of fun, too!  The 1 minute walk breaks give the group a lot of time to talk and get to know each other, I guess!

Oh well, so I did my work out today.  3 miles in total on Grant track - my body could do more but I just can't stand the monotony of the track.  I'm energized to train each weekend with the run/walk group.  I'll keep my weekday runs to just running - as fast as I can manage - and just keep plugging away at it.

Happy Saturday!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Day Twelve

Whew, TGIF!!  If I ever needed a Friday, today was the day.  Last night DD and I went to a farm to pick berries and attend an outdoor concert.  The list of friends who were supposed to meet us there had been dwindling all week long and yesterday finally settled and only me and DD.  Well, being over tired and excited by the music DD went quite the night was exhausting for us both.

So, I guess that is a long explanation for something I decided today....each week I need to designate one day as 'rest'.  I will do something on these 'rest' days - today it was gardening.  But no workout in the traditional sense.

So, Happy Friday.  My day of (not so much) rest!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 11

Whew, busy day lined up today!  I went to bed early last night, although I tossed and turned a fair amount and DD didn't go to sleep on her own so she ended up climbing into bed with me and we both finally fell asleep around 9:30.  A bit earlier than usual for me...but not enough to feel like it made a difference this morning.

I did an "early" run, which for me means 7:30.  I still need to map out my route to see the actual miles, but it is one that I like to do through the neighborhood and one that I feel like I am getting faster and faster on.  Today I was done in 29 minutes 10 seconds.  I want to add a few more blocks here and there to stretch is back out to the 35+ minute range.  Even though I am tired and still feel like I am sucking wind and struggling during every run, it is fun to see my times start to inch down.

OK - so here's my rant for the day:

The past few weeks I have seen big plastic pools for sale outside of every grocery or hardware store around, and this week, when I have decided I want to buy one...they have all vanished.  It is going to be a scorcher this weekend and I want a basic pool for our backyard - and all the stores have turned over to back to school.  It is August 2.  It is finally hot in Portland.  What kids are going to want to go shop for a new backpack, lunch box, or fall clothes right now???  I always forget that you can't go out and buy something you want, when you want to use have to buy it during the "retail season".  Aargh!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 10

Today I feel like this:

I am a bit behind at my job (I work part time from home) and I needed all the time DD was away from home to work.  I managed to get my work out clothes on and hit the community center gym while DD and Dad were at swimming lessons.  It was right at 6:00 pm and I was very disappointed that the news was on and I couldn't catch any of the Olympics on TV.  I managed 45 minutes on the elliptical trainer, and limped home.

Tonight, I was falling asleep at 7:30 reading books to DD.  So I decided to just go with it and go to bed early and try to get up tomorrow and run in the morning.  We'll see how a long night of sleep and 3 tylenol do for my super tired and achy bod.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day Nine - a Two-Fer

Yesterday I committed to a group run with DD in the stroller.  I don't usually do this anymore (she's heavy!), but it was my every-other Sunday group of friends and we'd all have our kids this time - so I wanted the opportunity to meet the little ones we're always talking about.  We had a great run.  2 miles to a park (a few Moms went further and turned around to meet us), a bit of playing for the kiddos, then 2 miles back.  It was a difficult work out for me with the stroller, but also a lot of fun.  (I also really like to get out there with my daughter to further model how much fun exercise can be.)

I was feeling pretty good about my day and was just hanging out in the backyard with DD, we were in lawn chairs with our feet in a kiddie pool chillin', when I realized it was the week for my regular Tuesday night run.  Oops.  Double booked.  My every-other Tuesday run is short (just shy of 3 miles), but hilly (up Terwilliger if you know the Portland area), and is followed by beers at a local pub.  Hmmm.  Running doesn't sound so great.  Beer sounds wonderful.  Decisions, Decisions!

Since it is 5:45, and I am still in my running clothes since I haven't had a minute since returning from my morning run, and DD's Dad will have to do bedtime if I run - I'm going for it!  My body may hate me later, but my mind could use a break from the bedtime tedium and a chance to catch up with another group of friends.
I'll let you know how I feel tomorrow!


I went to my run at 7:30 pm....and was the only one there.  Oh well.  I thought about a track workout (we meet at Wilson High) but just couldn't get motivated for that without my iPod.  I headed home to take a shower, and since my daughter was fast asleep (thank goodness!) I used the evening to cut out a fun little skirt for her.  Not a total loss.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Day Eight

OK, Monday.  Right back on track!  I RSVP'd to a long run with DD in the jogging stroller tomorrow morning, so I declared today a "cross training day".  I, personally, totally doubt that time on the elliptical trainer ever does much for anyone...but today it was enough for me to get my legs moving, break a little sweat, and watch some Olympic swimming.  I am so moved by the Olympic Games and the athletes and so discouraged by the American companies and the aggressive marketing.  I know, I know sponsors pay for the games to even happen.  But do even one of those elite athletes ever darken the door of a McDonald's?  I highly doubt it!!  (I don't, and I don't rely on my body for my livelyhood.)   Aggressive and gratuitous advertising aside, it was great to see some of the games for a bit this am. 

*as an aside, we are not watching at home because we don't have cable TV.  This year NBC has decided that any and all broadcasts, TV and Internet, can only be seen if you have a cable TV contract that includes at least one NBC channel.  We pay for internet, but can't watch the Olympics on the internet (like we have the past few games) because we don't have pay TV.  Isn't that somehow against the spirit of the games? I'm pretty peeved!!*

So, my workout today was good.  I feel good overall.  I haven't seen any changes to my body yet - but my mood is definitely much better and I feel like I am not so deep in a hole.  I am still making some bonehead food choices (wine, cheese, and a baguette for dinner the other cream yesterday) but I don't feel so negative about them.  I'm tackling one thing at a time.  First I am getting my body moving, then I'll work on fueling it better, then we'll see what else falls in line...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day Seven

Oops, my first hiccup in my schedule.  I was sort of wondering if I should build in one day of "rest" in this plan just to be kinder to my body, and today sort of became that rest day.  I did walk to and from the park this evening with my DD and her Dad - we had a pot-luck with families from the school she'll be starting this Fall.  I also did a ton of gardening outside today.  But no real "work out".  It is 9pm.  DD is just now asleep, Monday is looming which means getting DD up and to camp with a packed lunch and then several work tasks on my plate.  I could pop in a yoga DVD or even go for a jog since it is still light out.  At this point I think some prep work for the week makes more sense....but if I change my mind you'll be the first to know.